

活动办公室 & Facilities Use is responsible for all arrangements pertaining to filming at CSUF, including processing the Facilities Use Agreement and supervising the film shoot. 事件 & Facilities Use approves all requests to film on campus and coordinates internally with campus departments on your behalf.



To submit an application to film on CSUF校园, please complete the 设施使用申请表格. All requests should be made at least 20 days prior to an event. 事件组的成员 & 设施使用部 will be in touch within 2-3 business days. 


拍摄 on campus is permitted only if it does not interfere with academic operations, 大学事务和/或先前安排的活动. 在校园拍摄需要设施使用协议. The Agreement may be approved when all the following requirements have been met:

  1. 具体的日期和地点得到确认和批准.
  2. 剧本/电影内容由事件审核 & 设施使用部.
  3. CSUF停车 & Transportation Services approves a parking plan for events that require parking if required.
  4. 所有必要的保险要求都提交给事件 & Facilities Use no later than the date specified on Facilities Use Agreement.
  5. Full payment of all fees, and other estimated charges are received by 事件 & Facilities Use no later than the date specified in Facilities Use Agreement.


The cost to shoot at CSUF is a combination of the campus filming fee, 校园人力成本, 场地租金, and any other facilities or miscellaneous services needed for the shoot.

日期 & 位置

在校园拍摄之前, the representative of the production may walk through the desired location(s) with an 事件 & 设施使用职员. 所有拍摄必须符合大学政策. 


活动部 & 设施使用与办公室的停车场 & Transportation Services to make parking arrangements for your film shoot. Depending on your location, day of week, and program time, you may:

  1. Have guests purchase short-term parking through the ParkMobile app.
  2. 提前通过预约停车 停车活动服务请求页面. Please submit your request no later than 2 weeks prior to your event.


CSUF总统指令                                                                                                                                                                          第1号指令: University policy regarding alcohol and controlled substances on university property.


第2号指令:关于征集的行政准则, 商业征集, commercial transactions and the sale or display of published materials.


第4号指令: Administrative guidelines regarding distribution of handbills and circulars on campus.


第5号指令: Administrative guidelines regarding freedom of expression and expressive conduct.


大学的定位                                                                                                                                                                      对NAMES的任何使用, 标志着, 标志, 或CSUF的商标, CSUF校园, 或其任何缩写均受CSUF管辖. Request for use of NAMES, 标志着, 标志, or TRADE标志着, must be submitted to the 事件 & 设施使用部门提前通知. 

If the University or a specific venue requires its personnel to be present as a condition of use, 人员必须在影片拍摄前安排好. 人员包括, 但不限于, 场地联络员/活动经理, 消防安全主任, 保管的, 设施人员, 停车管理人员和/或CSUF警察局. 
的事件 & 设施使用部 will determine the presence of uniformed Police Officers. In some cases, traffic control officers may be necessary in addition to Police Officers. 

州消防局长                                                                                                                                                                                                CSUF受加州消防法约束. The University has its own 州消防局长 that will advise on requirements.

的事件 & 设施使用部 is the University's liaison to the external organization. An Event Manager will be assiagned to the event to direct the external organization personnel with obtaining permission to film from various campus departments and completion of contractrual and insurance requirements. 


During your filming at CSUF, we will expect adherence to the the following campus guidelines:

  1. Production vehicles are limited to the arranged spaces determined by the University. 
  2. Catering shall be confined to the area designated in the Facilities Use Agreement. 个人应在指定的用餐区域内用餐. All trash must be disposed of properly upon completion of meal. 所有餐饮必须由大学预先决定.
  3. Directional signage and signage for lots and roadways are coordinated through the 停车 Office.  任何额外的标识必须在放置前获得批准. Only wire lawn signs are permitted to be placed on campus, all stake signs are prohibited. All approved signs must be removed from the University following the conclusion of the film shoot.
  4. 噪音水平应尽量保持在低水平. Amplified sound is not permitted without the express permission of the University. 晚上9点以后,噪音和光线可能会受到限制. 
  5. Cast and crew vehicles parked at the University must adhere to all legal requirements unless authorized by the 拍摄 Agreement.
  6. Cast and crew are to remain on or near the area that has been permitted. 不要擅自进入其他区域(例如.e., buildings/classrooms/offices/fields) without prior approval from the University.
  7. Cast and crew shall not bring guests or pets to location unless expressly authorized in advance by the production company. 服务性动物除外.
  8. CSUF和所有CSUF拥有的物业都是无烟的. Thank you in advance for you and your crew's cooperation with this policy.
  9. Appropriate behavior and respect shall be shown by all members of the production towards students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及大学的嘉宾.
  10. The production company must comply with the provisions of the Facilities Use Agreement and University policies at all times.